How to lock and unlock user account in linux

With the help of two commands you can lock and unlock the user account in Linux.

To Lock the user account in Linux,use the given below command syntax

By Using Passwd command

#passwd -l username


By using usermod command

#usermod -L username

To lock the user account called user1 in linux system

[root@localhost ~]# passwd -l user1

Locking password for user1.
passwd: Success


[root@localhost ~]# usermod -L user1

To Unlock the user account in Linux, use the given below command syntax

By Using Passwd command

#passwd -u username


By using usermod command

#usermod -U username

To unlock the linux user account called user1

[root@localhost ~]# passwd -u user1

Unlocking password for user1.
passwd: Success


[root@localhost ~]# usermod -U user1

  • lock account, unlock account
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