Synopsis This article describes how to add a Linux user (account) to a group. Environment...
Adduser or Useradd Commands with Examples in LinuxWe all are aware of the most popular command called ‘useradd‘ or ‘adduser‘ in Linux. There are...
Create a user with no passwordThis article shows you how to create a user account without a password or an empty password on...
Disk usage per user in Linux / UnixHere is a simple and quick solution that I believe meets your requirement. I assume that all...
Enable SSH root login on DebianAfter fresh system installation the root login on the Debian Linux is disabled by default. When...
Enable SSH root login on Debian Linux ServerAfter fresh system installation the root login on the Debian Linux is disabled by default. When...
Find Files in Linux, Using the Command Linefind is a command for recursively filtering objects in the file system based on a simple...
How do I change the sendmail 'from' addressUsing Sendmail to Change the Sender's Email AddressSometimes masquerading isn't enough. At times...
How to Add User to Sudoers or Sudo GroupSudo permissions enable users to execute commands with elevated privileges. These permissions are...
How to Recover Your VPS in Rescue ModeWhether on our cell phones or our personal computers, we have all had that feeling of being...
How to change the ssh port on LinuxTo Change the SSH Port for Linux Server Connect to your server via SSH Switch to the root...
How to check list of users in UnixThe password file /etc/passwd contains one line for each user account. The passwd files are the...
How to extract tar.xz files in Linux and unzip all filesHow do I extract tar.xz files in Linux? Can you tell me command to unzip linux-5.6.13.tar.xz...
How to find ulimit for user on LinuxHow can I find the correct ulimit values for a user account or process on Linux systems?For...
How to lock and unlock user account in linuxWith the help of two commands you can lock and unlock the user account in Linux. To Lock the...
How to remove a Linux userHow do I drop or remove old users account from my Linux server? I can login using the user’s SSH...
How to restrict and except SSH access to specific IPsOnce your IP is public it gets attention from so many bots in the internet that do brute force...
Installing snap on DebianOn Debian 10 (Buster) and Debian 9 (Stretch), snap can be installed directly from the command...
Linux Change or Rename User Name and UIDHow do I change user name (rename user name) or UID under a Linux operating system using command...
Linux Set or Change User PasswordHow do I set or change Linux system password for any user account? How can I change user password...
Linux list processes by user namesA Linux process is nothing but running instance of a program. For example, when you start Firefox...
Reboot/restart Linux System CommandHere is how to reboot a Linux system using various command-line options to reload a new Linux...
SSH login without passwordYou want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automate your tasks. Therefore you need an automatic login...
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