Anope IRC Services - Frequently Asked Questions

Anope IRC Services - Changes with 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions

Where did MLOCK Go? 
Use /msg ChanServ MODE Channel LOCK {SET|ADD} modes
See /msg ChanServ HELP MODE for more details.
Why does my chanserv password show up in the channel description? / Where is my ChanServ Password 
ChanServ no longer requires passwords when registering channels. It is linked to your NickServ account instead. They new syntax is /msg ChanServ REGISTER channel description. If you registered your channel, and your password is in your description, you should /msg ChanServ DROP #channel, then re-register. This change also includes the removal of Chanserv IDENTIFY, and ChanServ LOGOUT.
Where did defcon go? 
Defcon is now disabled by default. You simply need to enable it in operserv.conf
Where is the selection for <my language>? 
This is done via nickserv. If nickserv's help set language does not list your language then you need to make sure locale is properly installed on your system. For *nix this is usually done during installation, and can be added via your system's package manager. Each system's method is different, but Debian based distributions will usually use apt-get install locale, while Opensuse will use zypper install locale, other flavors of linux and unix may use similar commands.
Where did the NICKSERV GHOST and RELEASE commands go? 
Both commands were replaced by the RECOVER command. You still can activate this command by editing your nickserv.conf. (search for "ghost" to find the right place)

Anope IRC Services - 2.0 Installation Frequently Asked Questions

I'm getting this error while installing CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ? 
For Debian and Ubuntu based, or derived OSs type: apt-get install build-essential - Then try again. For other OSs you need to make sure the correct packages are installed.
When I type ./services, it says it cannot find the file. 
You need to cd to the directory you installed services to. Try: ~/services/bin
How do I install a module? 
  1. Download your module into <anope_source>/modules/third/
  2. Type: ./Config -quick to generate the correct makefiles.
  3. Type: cd build
  4. Type: make install
  5. Update your config files in services/conf/
  6. Issue a /msg operserv restart, or use /operserv modload <module_name> to load the new module.
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