How To Install psyBNC

psyBNC is small, lightweight software for usage in IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Bouncers have multiple benefits but they mainly allow a user to hide their original connection source and let the user be left connected after disconnecting from their client. PsyBNC is an easy and lightweight bouncer that runs on Linux and supports many features.

  • wget
  • tar -xzf psyBNC-2.4.3.tar.gz
  • rm -rf psyBNC-2.4.3.tar.gz
  • cd psybnc
  • make

Country Name [US]:
State/Province [Somewhere]:
Locality Name (eg, city) []:
Organization Name (eg, company) [tCl]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [psyBNC]:
Common Name (Full domain of your server) []:

  • pico psybnc.conf (change the bnc PORT and save)
  • Q:What port should I use for my psyBNC?  - A: The default port for psybnc is 31337, for security you must change it to ports 30000-60000
  • ./psybnc (starts the psybnc)


If you get an error saying “This needs the ncurses library. If it is not available, menuconf wont work. If you are using curses, use make menuconfig-curses instead.

use :

  • sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
  • make
  • pico psybnc.conf
  • ./psybnc

How To Install psyBNC on FreeBSD

Login as root
cd /usr/ports/irc/psybnc
make install clean
cp /usr/local/etc/psybnc.conf.sample /home/USERNAME/psybnc.conf
edit /home/USERNAME/psybnc.conf
psybnc (NOT ./psybnc, just psybnc to run your psyBNC)


This needs the ncurses library.

By the time you read this, it is possible that the latest version has been updated. You may want to use

a newer version, but it’s possible a newer version might not work the same way. To ensure a positive

outcome, don’t upgrade unless you have a good reason to, or if the ncurses folks recommend you

to do so on their website.

Downloading ncurses

The latest version of ncurses is 5.9. You can download this, or another version,

at Assuming you want to install

version 5.9: download ncurses-5.9.tar.gz; put this into a temporary folder, such

as /tmp/ncurses, and follow the rest of these instructions to install it.

For example: downloading ncurses using wget:
$ mkdir /tmp/ncurses
$ cd /tmp/ncurses
$ wget <a href=""></a>

Installing ncurses

Extract ncurses
$ cd /tmp/ncurses
$ gzip -dc < ncurses-5.9.tar.gz | tar -xf -
$ cd ncurses-5.9
Build ncurses
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
Install ncurses (must be root user)
# make install


This version of ncurses, when installed, produces several files: a few C headers /usr/include/ncurses.h and /usr/include/ncurses_dll.h, a libtool library, and static .a and shared .so versions of the following libraries libncurses, libncurses_g, and libncurses_p. Sometimes you will need to install these to a different place, but most libraries expect to be found in either /lib, /usr/lib, or /usr/local/lib. If you’d rather install these files under /usr/local/lib, for instance, you should pass –prefix=/usr/local to the configure script.


Top line showing this: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=31337
Change it to for ex: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=49979

The default port for psybnc is 31337, for security you must change it to whatever you like using only ports 30000-60000.


2nd line showing this: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1=* Optional: If you want SSL change to: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1=S=* (This creates a SSL-encrypted listening socket.) If that line isn't there; type or paste it in. Linux lowercase and uppercase are not the same. Example: a is not the same as A

Running psyBNC


Now open your preferred irc client and write:

/server host port password

For example, assuming these are your parameters:

  • Ip :
  • Port : 43456
  • Pass : ChangeMe

you must type:

/server 43456 ChangeMe
/addserver (for SSL connection)
/addserver (for non SSL connection)

And if you need more help, please check psyBNC Help commands
Or check this article on How to use psyBNC

Alternatively you can also check How To Install ZNC on VPS

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  • Install psyBNC, compile psybnc, compile bnc, install sbnc, psyBNC-2.4.3
  • 299 Users Found This Useful
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