Link Unrealircd 6 with Anope 2

This section is used to set up Anope to connect to your IRC network. This section can be included multiple times, and Anope will attempt to connect to each server until it finally connects.

Apparently there is a lot of confusion when it comes to linking Unreal and Anope together. Surprisingly this is a very simple task.

What's required to follow this "tutorial" if you will is a bit of knowledge that you as a Server Admin should already have:

1> basic understanding of editing files in your OS.
2> basic understanding of how to start applications in your OS.
3> knowledge of /squit and /connect (stuff you should have learned on your first day as an IRCop
4> In depth knowledge of IRC and how it works is recommended.
5> the patience required to actually read this.

Lets begin by understanding that Anope is connected to the network as a trusted connection as is any other ircd. Where Services is different is it has some "super powers", these special permissions are granted via ulines. ulines are case sensitive and must exist on every server BEFORE services connects! This is very important. If I have already confused you, stop reading and consult your IRCd documentation of ulines, aka U:Lines aka ulines block, super block or trusted block.

So we can see the relationship between the components better I have elected to color code each requirement so that you can see how everything matches up.

Now down to business:

1> services is going to be named
2> our unrealircd version is UnrealIRCd-6.1.8
2> our anope version Anope2.0.16
3> our services IP is - localhost
4> our server IP is - localhost
5> our port is 7000 { any unused port between 1025 and 65535 may be used for linking services. }
6> our password is 'Your-Services-Link-Password' (without the quotes)

Each uplink IRCd should have a corresponding configuration to allow Services to link to it.

An example configuration for UnrealIRCd that is compatible with the below uplink and serverinfo configuration would look like:

This goes in unrealircd.conf

listen {
    port 7000;
    options {
link {
    incoming {
        mask *@;
    password "mypassword";
    class servers;
ulines {; };

You will also need your "Network configuration" to include:

set {
	services-server 	"";
        sasl-server             "";

and this goes in services.conf

	host = ""
	ipv6 = no
	ssl = no
	port = 7000
	password = "mypassword"

you also need to set the Protocol module in services.conf:

 * [REQUIRED] Protocol module
 * This directive tells Anope which IRCd Protocol to speak when connecting.
 * You MUST modify this to match the IRCd you run.
 * Supported:
 *  - bahamut
 *  - charybdis
 *  - hybrid
 *  - inspircd12
 *  - inspircd20
 *  - inspircd3 (for 3.x and 4.x)
 *  - ngircd
 *  - plexus
 *  - ratbox
 *  - unreal (for 3.2.x)
 *  - unreal4 (for 4.x or later)
	name = "unreal4"

	 * Some protocol modules can enforce mode locks server-side. This reduces the spam caused by
	 * services immediately reversing mode changes for locked modes.
	 * If the protocol module you have loaded does not support this, this setting will have no effect.
	use_server_side_mlock = yes

	 * Some protocol modules can enforce topic locks server-side. This reduces the spam caused by
	 * services immediately reversing topic changes.
	 * If the protocol module you have loaded does not support this, this setting will have no effect.
	use_server_side_topiclock = yes

The network name has to be the same in unrealircd.conf and services.conf

There are more options listed in both the unrealircd.conf and services.conf so don't think that this is all that you have to do. This is what you need to link Anope and UneralIRCd. This tutorial also does not cover other items needed to start services, our goal here was to link to Unreal.

  • link unrealircd 5, 5.0.7, anope 2.0.9, link anope, link anope 2
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