Installing a custom version of curl


curl is installed on all SiSrv servers by default; however, you may want to install a newer version depending on your needs. This article walks you through how to install a custom version of curl (command line tool).

These instructions explain how to install the curl command line tool which is different from cURL. View the following article for more information:

Installing curl

Log in to your server via SSH.

Make sure you're in your user's home directory.

cd ~

Locate the version you wish to install here:

Right-click a .zip link and copy its URL. You can then run the following wget command to download the .zip file.


Unzip the file.

rm -rf

Navigate into this new directory.

cd curl-8.9.0

Run the following to install:

curl requires you to choose which SSL library you'd prefer to use when building it. These instructions use openssl. View SELECT YOUR TLS for further details.

./configure --prefix=$HOME/curl --with-openssl
make install

Open your .bash_profile using nano or vim. For example:

nano ~/.bash_profile

Add this line to your .bash_profile:

export PATH=$HOME/curl/bin:$PATH

Update your .bash_profile to activate your new configuration

. ~/.bash_profile

Check the location and version of curl:

which curl
curl --version
curl 8.9.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)


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