How to install Anope 2 Modules

Anope Modules are a quick and easy way to add or change the functionality of the main Anope program. Modules are created by the community and uploaded to this site for users to download and use free-of-charge. If you need assistance downloading or using the modules available on this site, join our online IRC support.

How to install Anope 2 modules 
Extra modules, which are usually modules which require extra libraries to use, such as m_mysql can be enabled with the
command from the source directory. Then re-run again
make install

Third party modules can be installed by placing them into the modules/third directory.

  • Download your module into <anope_source>/modules/third/
  • ./Config to generate the correct makefiles.
  • cd build
  • make install
  • Update your config files in services/conf/

Below we will show how to install ns_saregister module:

  • cd anope-2.*/modules/third
  • wget
  • cd ../..
  • ./Config
  • cd build
  • make install
  • add this to your nickserv.conf
 * ns_saregiser
 * This module lets a services operator with the "nickserv/saregister" privileges register a nickname other than their own.
 * Note that this will act as if the user ran the command.
 * This means that either email confirmation or admin approval will be required (if enabled for normal registration).

module { name = "ns_saregister" }
command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SAREGISTER"; command = "nickserv/saregister"; permission = "nickserv/saregister"; }

To install cs_akick_check module use:

  • cd anope-2.*/modules/third
  • wget
  • cd ../..
  • ./Config
  • cd build
  • make install
ChanServ Config
module { name = "cs_akick_check" }

To install ns_massset module use: ns_massset

  • cd anope-2.*/modules/third
  • wget
  • cd ../..
  • ./Config
  • cd build
  • make install
To load this module add the following to nickserv.conf:
module { name = "ns_massset" }
command { service = "NickServ"; name = "MASSSET"; command = "nickserv/massset"; permission = "nickserv/massset"; } 

Issue a /msg operserv restart, or use /operserv modload <module_name> to load the new module.

ex: /os modload ns_massset

If the module you are looking for is not listed here, take a look at the full list of Anope Modules.

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  • anope modules, anope 2 modules, install modules, install anope modules, ns_massset, cs_akick_check, ns_saregister, ./Config -quick, modload
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