ChanServ Commands

NOTE: Some IRC servers provide an alias for '/msg ChanServ' where you can use '/cs' or '/chanserv' in it's place. Some irc networks, though uncommon, may require you to use the full '/msg chanserv@services.networkname.tld COMMAND_HERE Options_here' version of the comman and we use /cs or /chanserv


Maintains the access list for a channel. The access list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or access to ChanServ commands on the channel. Different user levels allow for access to different subsets of privileges. Any registered user not on the access list has a user level of 0, and any unregistered user has a user level of -1.

The /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel ADD command adds the given mask to the access list with the given user level; if the mask is already present on the list, its access level is changed to the level specified in the command. The level specified may be a numerical level or the name of a privilege (eg AUTOOP). When a user joins the channel the access they receive is from the highest level entry in the access list. The given mask may also be a channel, which will use the access list from the other channel up to the given level.

The /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel DEL command removes the given nick from the access list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted. (See the example for LIST below.) You may remove yourself from an access list, even if you do not have access to modify that list otherwise.

The /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel LIST command displays the access list. If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the mask are displayed. If a list of entry numbers is given, only those entries are shown; for example:

ACCESS #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
Lists access entries numbered 2 through 5 and
7 through 9.

The /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel VIEW command displays the access list similar to ACCESS LIST but shows the creator and last used time.

The /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel CLEAR command clears all entries of the access list.

User access levels can be seen by using the LEVELS command; type /msg ChanServ HELP LEVELS for information.


/msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel_name ADD Nick_or_hostmask level_flag_or_xOP
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel_name DEL Nick_or_hostmask
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel_name LIST Nick_or_hostmask_or_item_number(s)
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel_name VIEW Nick_or_hostmask_or_item_number(s)
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel_name CLEAR


/msg ChanServ ACCESS #Bedroom ADD Marge SOP
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #Kitchen DEL Glen
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #Basement LIST
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #Basement VIEW 4,7
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #Basement CLEAR

Maintains the AutoKick list for a channel. If a user on the AutoKick list attempts to join the channel, ChanServ will ban that user from the channel, then kick the user.


/msg ChanServ AKICK #channel_name ADD Nick_or_hostmask Optional_Reason 
Adds the given nick or usermask to the AutoKick list. If a reason is given with the command, that reason will be used when the user is kicked; if not, the default reason is "User has been banned from the channel".
When akicking a registered nick the NickServ account will be added to the akick list instead of the mask. All users within that nickgroup will then be akicked.
/msg ChanServ AKICK #channel_name DEL Nick_or_hostmask_or_entry-Number_or_list 
Removes the given nick or mask from the AutoKick list. It does not, however, remove any bans placed by an AutoKick; those must be removed manually.
/msg ChanServ AKICK #channel_name LIST optional_nick_or_hostmask_or_list 
Displays the AutoKick list, or optionally only those AutoKick entries which match the given mask.
/msg ChanServ AKICK #channel_name VIEW Optional_nick_or_hostmask_or_entry_number_or_list 
A more verbose version of the AKICK LIST command.
/msg ChanServ AKICK #channel_name ENFORCE 
Causes ChanServ to enforce the current AKICK list by removing those users who match an AKICK mask.
/msg ChanServ AKICK #channel_name CLEAR 
Clears all entries of the akick list.


/msg ChanServ AKICK #nightmare ADD Dream_walker Bad person
/msg ChanServ AKICK #nightmare DEL Freddy
/msg ChanServ AKICK #nightmare LIST 1-4
/msg ChanServ AKICK #kitchen VIEW
/msg ChanServ AKICK #Bedroom ENFORCE
/msg ChanServ AKICK #house CLEAR

Maintains the AOP list for a channel. Users who match an access entry on the AOP list receive the following privileges (see /msg ChanServ SET for details):


The AOP ADD command adds the given nickname to the AOP list.

The AOP DEL command removes the given nick from the AOP list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted. (See the example for LIST below.)

The AOP LIST command displays the AOP list. If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the mask are displayed. If a list of entry numbers is given, only those entries are shown; for example:

/msg ChanServ AOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
Lists AOP entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.

The AOP CLEAR command clears all entries of the AOP list.

Note: Alternative methods of modifying channel access lists are available. See /msg ChanServ HELP FLAGS for more information about the access list.


/msg ChanServ AOP #channel ADD Hostmask_or_nick
/msg ChanServ AOP #channel DEL Hostmask_or_nick_or_entrynumber_or_list
/msg ChanServ AOP #channel LIST Optional_Hostmask_or_nick_or_list
/msg ChanServ AOP #channel CLEAR


/msg ChanServ AOP #DreamScape ADD
/msg ChanServ AOP #Basement DEL
/msg ChanServ AOP #DreamScape LIST 1-10
/msg ChanServ AOP #ElmStreet CLEAR

Bans a given nick or mask on a channel. An optional expiry may be given to cause services to automatically remove the ban after a set amount of time. The Expiry time must start with a '+' symbol. You need to specify the time using 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, or 'd' for days.

By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access and above on the channel. Channel founders may ban masks.

The Unban command tells ChanServ to remove all bans preventing you or the given user from entering the given channel. If no channel is given, all bans affecting you in channels you have access in are removed.

By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access and above on the channel.



/msg ChanServ BAN #channel +Optional_expire_duration nick_or_hostmask Optional_reason
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #channel Optional_nick



/msg ChanServ BAN #bathroom +3d Fred
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #gameroom Julie

Copies all settings, access, akicks, etc from channel to the target channel. If what is ACCESS, AKICK, BADWORDS, or LEVELS then only the respective settings are cloned.

NOTE: You must be the founder of the original channel and the target channel.


/msg ChanServ CLONE #Original_channel #Target_Channel Optional_what_to_clone


/msg ChanServ CLONE #FrontRoom #Basement

Removes a selected nicks status modes on a channel. If nick is ommited then your status is removed. If channel is ommited then your channel status is removed on every channel you are in.

NOTE: If you specify a nick, you must specify the channel.


/msg ChanServ DOWN #optional_Channel Optional_Nick



/msg ChanServ DOWN #Basement FreddyK

Unregisters the specified channel.

IRC Operators with the proper permissions can drop a channel of which they are not the founder of.

Note: You must enter the channel name twice as a confirmation that you wish to drop the channel.


/msg ChanServ DROP #channel_name #channel_name_again


/msg ChanServ DROP #Playroom #Playroom

Enforce various channel modes and set options. The channel option indicates what channel to enforce the modes and options on. The what option indicates what modes and options to enforce, and can be any of SECUREOPS, RESTRICTED, REGONLY, SSLONLY, BANS, or LIMIT.

Use SECUREOPS to enforce the SECUREOPS option, even if it is not enabled. Use RESTRICTED to enfore the RESTRICTED option, also if it's not enabled. Use REGONLY to kick all unregistered users from the channel. Use SSLONLY to kick all users not using a secure connection from the channel. BANS will enforce bans on the channel by kicking users affected by them, and LIMIT will kick users until the user count drops below the channel limit, if one is set.


/msg ChanServ ENFORCE #channel_name What_to_enfoce


/msg ChanServ ENFORCE #Basement SECUREOPS
/msg ChanServ ENFORCE #Porch REGONLY

Controls what messages will be sent to users when they join the channel.

Adding, deleting, or clearing entry messages requires the proper SET user level in the channel's access list


/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #channel_name ADD message 
Adds the given message to the list of messages shown to users when they join the channel.
/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #channel_name DEL entry_number 
Removes the specified message from the list of messages shown to users when they join the channel. You can remove a message by specifying its number which you can get by listing the messages as explained below.
/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #channel_name LIST 
Displays a listing of messages shown to users when they join the channel.
/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG $channel_name CLEAR 
Clears all entries from the list of messages shown to users when they join the channel, effectively disabling entry messages.


/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #ElmStreet ADD Welcome to my nightmare!
/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #ElmStreet DEL 2
/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #Basement LIST
/msg ChanServ ENTRYMSG #House CLEAR

Registers a channel in the ChanServ database. In order to use this command, you must first be a channel operator on the channel you're trying to register. The description, which is optional, is a general description of the channel's purpose.

When you register a channel, you are recorded as the "founder", also called the "owner" of the channel. The channel founder is allowed to change all of the channel settings for the channel; ChanServ will also automatically give the founder channel-operator privileges when s/he enters the channel.

See the ACCESS command (/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS) for information on giving a subset of these privileges to other channel users.


: In order to register a channel, you must have first registered your nickname, and must have channel op status in the channel.


/msg ChanServ REGISTER #channel_name Description_of_channel


/msg ChanServ REGISTER #Bedroom Where evil happens in your dreams!
  • ChanServ Commands
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