psyBNC help commands

psyBNC2.4 Help commands
BWHO            - Lists all Users on the Bouncer
PASSWORD        - Sets your or another Users Password(Admin)
BVHOST          - Sets your vhost to connect thru
PROXY           - Sets your proxy to connect thru
SETUSERNAME     - Sets your User Name
SETAWAY         - Sets your away-Text when you leave
SETLEAVEMSG     - Sets your Leave-MSG when you leave
LEAVEQUIT       - If set to 1, parts all channels on quit
SETAWAYNICK     - Sets your nick when you are offline
JUMP            - Jumps to the next IRC-Server
BQUIT           - Quits your current Server Connection
BCONNECT        - Reconnects a bquitted Connection
AIDLE           - Enables/Disables Antiidle
AUTOREJOIN      - Enables/Disables Auto-Rejoin
ADDSERVER       - Adds an IRC-Server to your Serverlist
DELSERVER       - Deletes an IRC-Server by number
LISTSERVERS     - Lists all IRC-Servers added
ADDNETWORK      - Adds a seperate Network to your client
DELNETWORK      - Deletes a Network from your client
SWITCHNET       - Switches to a given Network
ADDOP           - Adds a User who may get Op from you
DELOP           - Deletes an added User who got Op
LISTOPS         - Lists all added Ops
ADDAUTOOP       - Adds a User who gets Auto-Op from you
DELAUTOOP       - Deletes an added User who got Op
LISTAUTOOPS     - Lists all added Auto-Ops
ADDBAN          - Adds a ban (global or to a channel)
DELBAN          - Deletes a ban by Number
LISTBANS        - Lists all bans
ADDASK          - Adds a host/bot to ask Op from
DELASK          - Deletes a host/bot to ask Op by Number
LISTASK         - Lists the hosts/bots to ask Op from
ADDIGNORE       - Adds a hostmask/contentfilter to the ignores
DELIGNORE       - Deletes a hostmask/contentfilter from the ignores
LISTIGNORES     - Lists the currently added ignores
PLAYPRIVATELOG  - Plays your Message Log
ERASEPRIVATELOG - Erases your Message Log
ADDLOG          - Adds a Log source / filter
DELLOG          - Deletes a Log source by number
LISTLOGS        - Lists all added Log sources/filters
PLAYTRAFFICLOG  - Plays the Traffic Log
ERASETRAFFICLOG - Erases the Traffic Log
ENCRYPT         - Encrypts talk to a given channel/user
DELENCRYPT      - Deletes an encryption entry by number
LISTENCRYPT     - Shows a List of encrypted talks
* BREHASH         - Rehashes the proxy and resets all Connections
* MADMIN          - Gives a User an Admin flag
* UNADMIN         - Removes the Admin flag from a User
* BKILL           - Kills a User from the proxy
* SOCKSTAT        - Shows/Logs the current Connections
* ADDUSER         - Adds a new User to the Bouncer
* DELUSER         - Deletes a User from the Bouncer
* NAMEBOUNCER     - Names your bouncer (needed for linking)
* LINKTO          - Adds a bouncer Link to the Host/Port
* LINKFROM        - Adds a bouncer Link from your Bouncer
* RELAYLINK       - Allows or disables a relayable Link
* DELLINK         - Deletes a Link to a bouncer
LISTLINKS       - Lists all Links to/from the Bouncer
* RELINK          - Resets a link to a bouncer by number
* PLAYMAINLOG     - Plays the Connection Log
* ERASEMAINLOG    - Erases the Connection Log
* ADDALLOW        - Adds a host allow to connect
* DELALLOW        - Deletes a host allow
* LISTALLOW       - Lists the host allows on your proxy
SRELOAD         - Reloads the Script for the User
LISTTASKS       - Lists the current running tasks
* SETLANG         - Sets the language  (global)
BHELP           - Lists this help or help on a topic
BHELP Use /QUOTE bhelp  for details.
BHELP - End of help
  • psyBNC Help, psyBNC Help commands
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