In most cases you should NOT edit znc.conf directly. Use webadmin instead.
If you really need to edit znc.conf by hand, do the following:
- pkill -SIGUSR1 znc
- to save current runtime configuration to znc.conf
- pkill znc
- to shutdown running ZNC instance
- Edit znc.conf
- znc
- to start it again with new configuration
The znc.conf is located in: /home/USER/.znc/configs/ and it looks like this:
// Do NOT edit this file while ZNC is running!
// Use webadmin or *controlpanel instead.
// Altering this file by hand will forfeit all support.
// But if you feel risky, you might want to read help on /znc saveconfig and /znc rehash.
// Also check
AnonIPLimit = 10
ConnectDelay = 5
HideVersion = false
LoadModule = partyline
LoadModule = webadmin
MaxBufferSize = 500
ProtectWebSessions = true
SSLCertFile = /home/znc/.znc/znc.pem
ServerThrottle = 30
Version = 1.6.3
<Listener listener0>
AllowIRC = true
AllowWeb = true
IPv4 = true
IPv6 = true
Port = 6697
SSL = true
URIPrefix = /
<User sisrv>
Admin = true
AppendTimestamp = false
AutoClearChanBuffer = false
AutoClearQueryBuffer = true
Buffer = 999
ChanModes = +stn
DenyLoadMod = false
DenySetBindHost = false
Ident = foo
JoinTries = 10
LoadModule = controlpanel
LoadModule = chansaver
LoadModule = perform
MaxJoins = 0
MaxNetworks = 1
MaxQueryBuffers = 50
MultiClients = true
Nick = foo
PrependTimestamp = true
QuitMsg = %znc%
RealName = Boaty McBoatFace <>
StatusPrefix = *
TimestampFormat = [%H:%M:%S]
<Network default>
FloodBurst = 4
FloodRate = 1.00
IRCConnectEnabled = true
JoinDelay = 0
LoadModule = keepnick
LoadModule = kickrejoin
LoadModule = nickserv
Server = 6697
<Chan #sisrv>
<Chan #chat>
<Pass password>
Hash = 014c07e0dc9112cf9edb20da49489eb6146bb2cf1c7188ccbb34316975c7e992
Method = SHA256
Salt = fY6Mu0N6Zh5T5A0UY3gP